Few readers today wade through Chateaubriand’s five-volume religious apology
Le Génie du christianisme(1802) in its entirety. However,
René, a slim novella originally published as part of the
Génie, is still among the most-read texts of French romanticism. It is a self-contained story with a gripping plot, and defines the features of a new German- and English-inspired romantic current in French literary writing. Indeed,
Renéhas been identified as the text that created and popularised the superior but melancholic romantic hero suffering from profound disillusionment. Chateaubriand’s Preface to the 1805 edition of
Atala-Renéis credited with being the first exposition and analysis of this French
mal du siècle[the malady of the era].
The opening of the novella presents a young
2286 words
Citation: Gerwin, Elisabeth. "René". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 February 2018 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=11158, accessed 29 March 2025.]