In our quest to identify female voices in the European Middle Ages, we have to use at times different lenses or categories than in the past because it was very difficult for women to join the male-dominated fields of the courtly romance, the heroic epics, or even courtly love poetry. However, since the twelfth century, if not even earlier, the experience of mystical visions and revelations especially by women made it possible for them, when they were recognized by the major Church authorities (see the case of Hildegard of Bingen), to produce a flood of valuable religious texts about their personal encounters with the Godhead, or a saint. However we might view those narratives, they often reflect the emergence of female writers who were strongly driven by these visions to record them in…
1853 words
Citation: Classen, Albrecht. "Saint Birgitta (Bridget) of Sweden". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 06 February 2025 [, accessed 22 February 2025.]