Albrecht Classen
See my webpage for further information and my abbreviated list of publications:
Here is a list of my latest books: Der Liebes- und Ehediskurs vom hohen Mittelalter bis zum frühen 17. Jahrhundert. Volksliedstudien, 5 (Münster, New York, Munich, and Berlin: Waxmann, 2005) 11. Mai und Beaflor. Herausgegeben, übersetzt, kommentiert und mit einer Einleitung von Albrecht Classen. Beihefte zur Mediaevistik, 6 (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2006), xxxix, 500 pp. 12. The Medieval Chastity Belt: A The Myth-Making Process. The New Middle Ages (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) 13. The Power of a Woman's Voice in Medieval and Early Modern Literature (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2007) 14. Schwankbücher des 16. Jahrhunderts (Trier: WVT, forthcoming) 15. Liederbücher des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts (Munster and New York: Waxmann, forthcoming. And some of my recent edited volumes: 27. Discourses on Love, Marriage, and Transgression in Medieval and Early-Modern Literature, ed. A. Classen. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2004 (appeared in 2005) 28. Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: The Results of a Paradigm Shift in the History of Mentality, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2005) 29. Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Neglected Topic, ed. Albrecht Classen (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2007) 30. Erotic Tales of Medieval Germany (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007) 31. History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, ed. A. Classen (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2008) 32. Words of Love and Love of Words in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2008) 33. The Poems of Oswald von Wolkenstein: An English Translation of the Complete Works (1376/77-1445). The New Middle Ages (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)