Zashchita Luzhina] was written in 1929, when Nabokov was thirty. Initially published in three long instalments in the Paris-based émigré journal
Sovremennye zapiski[
Contemporary Notes] between October 1929 and April 1930,
The Luzhin Defensewas the first of Nabokov's novels whose quality, in Brian Boyd's words, “made it impossible to ignore him any longer” (
The Russian Years, 342). Concurring with Nabokov's own sense of the novel as a breakthrough, Ivan Bunin, the most established writer of the emigration, commented: “This kid has snatched a gun and done away with the whole older generation, myself included” (quoted in Boyd,
The Russian Years, 343). Despite these buoyant evaluations, the novel (first published in English translation as
The Defensein 1964)…
1747 words
Citation: Collins, Emily. "Zashchita Luzhina". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 September 2007 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=8925, accessed 31 March 2025.]