, the Antiguan-American writer Jamaica Kincaid’s first novel, was published in book form in 1985, an earlier version having been published in serial form in
The New Yorkermagazine in 1983-4. The story of a young girl growing up in Antigua,
Annie John,like Kincaid’s later work and unlike much Caribbean fiction, is written entirely in Standard English. The story is told in Annie’s first person narration in precise, expressive prose that describes events in the life of an only child and the way she feels about herself and her interaction with others while also providing a critique of colonial education. Given that
Annie Johndraws on Kincaid’s own childhood experiences of place and people, some critics have suggested that it is an interesting example of the way women…
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Citation: Dodgson-Katiyo, Pauline. "Annie John". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 04 April 2017 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=6574, accessed 05 February 2025.]