Written in 1888 but only published posthumously 1908, the treatise’s title
Ecce Homo(
Behold theMan) is based on the phrase Pontius Pilate used in the book of John to describe Jesus (19: 5). Its often overlooked subtitle “Wie man wird, was man ist” (“How one becomes what one is”) is an allusion to the ancient Greek wisdom cited in Pindar’s Second Ode: “Become such as you are”.
Ecce Homois an opaque text, consisting of 16 chapters or sections, most of which are the titles to self-descriptions of the author’s works, but others which have playful and whimsical titles, such as “Warum ich so weise bin” (why I am so wise), “Warum ich so klug bin” (why I am so clever) and “Warum ich so gute Bücher schreibe” (why I write such good books). The book represents…
1201 words
Citation: Gallagher, David. "Ecce Homo". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 July 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=5449, accessed 31 March 2025.]