The medieval Icelandic chronicle
Hungrvakarecords the lives of the five bishops of Skálholt, Ísleifr Gizurarson (1006–1080), Gizurr Ísleifsson (1042–1118), Þorlákr Runólfsson (1086– 1133), Magnús Einarsson (1098–1148), and Klængr Þorsteinsson (1105–1176). In addition, the chronicle relates some of church history of the period. Based on references in the text to the recent death of Gizurr Hallsson (d. 1206), scholars have dated Hungrvaka to the early thirteenth century or shortly after Gizurr’s death. All the manuscripts, however, are post-medieval. The most recent editions of Hungrvaka are in Íslenzk fornrit 2002 and a translation from The Viking Society (Andersson 2021).
Together with Þorláks saga and Páls saga biskups, Hungrvaka forms a complete, chronological
1159 words
Citation: Egilsdóttir, Ásdís. "Hungrvaka". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 June 2023 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]