The anonymous Old Norse-Icelandic saga of Dámusti [Dámusta saga] belongs to the genre of original chivalric sagas (
Märchensaga[folktale saga] or
lygisögur[lie-sagas], stories of knights set in exotic lands and characterized by a strong fabulous element, which are believed to originate in the late fourteenth century. The saga is extant in nineteen manuscripts, the oldest extant manuscript located in the Safn Árna Magnússonar in Reykjavík, AM 557 fol. (c. 1420–1450). There are three versions of the saga: a fourteenth-century version, an abridged version from the seventeenth century, and a summary that was written in the late eighteenth century. There also exist two eighteenth-century Swedish translations of the saga and a
rímurversion, known as
Söguþáttr af1212 words
Citation: Salmoiraghi, Davide. "Dámusta saga". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 September 2023 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]