The Icelandic short saga
Eiríks saga víðförla,whose protagonist is a Norwegian heathen, was composed in the fourteenth century. It tells the story of the Norwegian Eiríkr the Traveller who leaves his country and ventures to the unknown East in order to find
Ódáinsákr, a sort of paradise on earth of heathen people. During his journey, the protagonist comes into contact with Christianity and comes back home with the intent of Christianizing his compatriots.
The saga is a quest-narrative, containing features of the legendary sagas (fornaldarsögur) as well as of a romance, intermingled with moralizing and didactic contents. Among the sources of the clerical anonymous author there are Elucidarius and Imago mundi, both of them by Honorius Augustodunesis, as well as Isidor’s
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Citation: Bauer, Alessia. "Eiríks saga víðförla". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 October 2023 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]