[Guðrún’s incitement] is an Eddic poem in the
fornyrðislagmetre, preserved in the manuscript Codex Regius nr. 2365 4to (c.1270). In the manuscript, the poem is preceded by a longer prose passage with the heading
Frá Guðrúnu[About Guðrún] preceded by the poem
Atlamál, and followed by the last poem in the Edda manuscript,
Hamðismál. The standard title is taken from the heading in the manuscript,
Guðrúnar hvǫt. The poem is since Sophus Bugge’s 1867 edition divided into 21 stanzas of remarkably irregular length, from one to twelve lines.
Guðrúnarhvǫtis used in
Vǫlsunga saga, where large parts of it are retold in prose.
The preceding prose called Frá Guðrúnu links together the events in the preceding Atlamál and the following Guðrúnarhvǫt: After
2169 words
Citation: Sävborg, Daniel. "Guðrúnarhvöt". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 February 2024 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40940, accessed 31 March 2025.]