[Strofy veka], translated by one commentator as
Stanzas of the Era, is an anthology of Russian verse, first published in English translation by Doubleday in the USA in 1993 under the title
Twentieth CenturyRussian poetry: silver and steel: an anthology. It contained entries on 253 poets and examples of their verse, in English versions only, by such translators as Max Hayward, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniel Weissbort, George L. Kline. Stanley Kunitz, Michael Frayn, Elaine Feinstein and Albert C. Todd. The manuscript had to be smuggled out of the Soviet Union in suitcases, a task in which the French actress Marina Vlady and her husband, the singer-songwriter, Vladimir Vysotsky, were instrumental. In his preface Evtushenko acknowledges the help of several American Slavists…
1868 words
Citation: Pursglove, Michael. "Strofy veka". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 December 2022 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40913, accessed 31 March 2025.]