has been preserved in three versions (A, B, and C) in the vernacular. The main version of
Þorláks sagaA is Stockh. Perg. fol. No 5, dated to 1360. An older fragment of the A version is AM 383 4to, from the mid thirteenth century. The B-version, probably composed during the reign of Bishop Árni Þorláksson (1269 – 98) is preserved in the early fourteenth manuscript AM 382 4to, and additionally in some fragments in British Library Add. 11242. The C version is preserved in seven manuscripts. It can be used to fill lacunae in the fragmentary preserved B-text.
Þorláks sagahas an important place in the history of Icelandic literature. It is the first life of an Icelandic saint, composed by one of the bishop’s contemporaries, and a fine example of a clerical writer of…
1740 words
Citation: Egilsdóttir, Ásdís. "Þorláks saga". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 07 July 2023 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40728, accessed 31 March 2025.]