kappatal) were composed in Iceland from the late Middle Ages down to the nineteenth century, listing the principal heroes of medieval Icelandic literature. While some of these poems only mention heroes from the
Íslendingasögur[Sagas of Icelanders], others mention heroes from a range of literary genres. Related to
kappatöl, although not quite comparable, is a certain poem,
Skíðaríma, that belongs to the genre of
rímur. The poem is generally dated to the fifteenth century and is now preserved in paper manuscripts from the eighteenth century and later. It is, however, referred to in a paragraph that was added to the chronicle
Gottskálksannállaround 1600, that notes that in the year 1194 Skíði had his dream (“dreymdi Skíða”). While the authorship…
1891 words
Citation: Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður. "Skíðaríma". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 February 2023 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40712, accessed 31 March 2025.]