Landnámabók [“The Book of Settlements”] is one of the most important historical texts composed in medieval Iceland. It is an episodic narrative which describes in considerable detail the settlement of Iceland by the Norse in the ninth and tenth centuries. It mentions around 430 settlers from all four Quarters of Iceland. Moving geographically around Iceland, it relates where each settler took up residence and often there is a brief genealogy listing each settler’s important descendants. There are also anecdotes concerning quarrels between the earliest generations of Icelanders, shorter versions of the material often found in the Íslendingasögur [family sagas], which are mostly devoted to events in Iceland between 870 and 1030.
The first version of Landnámabók is believed to
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Citation: Jakobsson, Sverrir. "Landnámabók". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 December 2022 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]