Hauksbók is a codex in the Arnamagnæan collection of Icelandic medieval and early modern manuscripts (divided into AM 371, 544 and 675, 4to), of which 141 of ca. 210 leaves are preserved. It is intimately connected with the royal official Haukr Erlendsson (ca. 1265-1334), who held offices in Norway and Iceland, and parts of it are assumed to be in his own hand. It has been argued that the bulk of the manuscript was written within a relatively short period: 1302-1310. Although a large portion of the material in Hauksbók was written either by Haukr himself or scribes working in close cooperation with him, a few parts of the manuscript might be later additions (e.g., Elucidarius in AM 675, 4to) and some even added after Haukr’s death (e.g., Völuspá in AM 544, 4to). Hauksbók consists…
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Citation: Jakobsson, Sverrir. "Hauksbók". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 December 2022 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40706, accessed 31 March 2025.]