[To Each His Own] (1964) belongs to the unique literary hybrid that Leonardo Sciascia debuted in 1961 in
Il giorno della civetta[The Day of the Owl] and continued in
Il contesto[Equal Danger] (1971) and
Todo Modo[Todo Modo] (1974). All these works could be categorized as detective novels with a socially critical conscience. Basically, the plot rotates around a central character who scrutinizes with lucid rationality a mysterious death that generally happens at the very beginning of the story. While the investigation follows the characteristic pattern of a murder mystery, Sciascia gives particular relevance to the socio-political discourse that surrounds the killing. These novels are all set in Sciascia’s native Sicily with the Mafia or its acolytes perpetrating…
2042 words
Citation: Mazzola, Claudio. "A ciascuno il suo". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 January 2022 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=40570, accessed 31 March 2025.]