[Milanese Kill on Saturdays], published in 1969, was the last novel of Scerbanenco’s crime series that sees Duca Lamberti as a protagonist. Published initially by Garzanti, the series includes three other novels also set in Milan:
Venere privata[A Private Venus, 1966],
Traditori di tutti[Traitors to All, 1966], and
I ragazzi del massacro iThe Boys of the Massacre, 1968].
Traditori di tuttiearned him the French
Grand Prix de la littérature policière(Supreme Award for crime fiction) in 1968. With this series, the Ukrainian-born author finally achieved the success he had been longing for since his debut, although his untimely death in 1969 prevented him from enjoying it thoroughly.
The crime novel genre developed late in Italy when compared to other
1271 words
Citation: Seno, Cosetta. "I milanesi ammazzano il sabato". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 December 2020 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=39307, accessed 31 March 2025.]