The Ordeals of Women] by Marie-Louise Gagneur is a social novel exposing the suffering of working-class women and the corruption, decadence and injustice of Second Empire France. It was first published in serial form in
Le Siècle(4 Nov. – 7 Dec 1866), followed by a sequel entitled
Les Réprouvées[
The Outcasts]. The original title of the first part was
L’Enfer des femmes(
Women’s Hell), but was changed to
Le Calvaire des femmeson 22 November 1866 when it was brought to the author’s attention that another book had recently been published under the first title. In addition to a volume printed by
Le Siècle,both
Le Calvaire des femmesand
Les Réprouvéeswere published by Faure in 1867, by Armand Le Chevalier in 1869, and by Librairies des célébrités…
2227 words
Citation: Beach, Cecilia. "Le Calvaire des femmes". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 22 July 2017 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35749, accessed 28 March 2025.]