Between 1514 and 1517, Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) composed
The Golden Ass(
L’asino d’oro), an eight-chapter satirical poem in
terza rimathat
mimics (or, perhaps, mocks) the structure of Dante’s
Divine Comedyand is inspired by—if not a direct parody of—
The Metamorphosis(
La metamorfosi), also commonly referred to as
The Golden Ass, by the classical Latin prose writer Apuleius (125-170). Apuleius’s protagonist, characterized by
curiositasand a fascination for magic, is turned into a donkey in a failed attempt at performing a spell, and after a long journey finds salvation and recovers his human form with the help of the goddess Isis. In Machiavelli’s refashioning, the anonymous protagonist narrates his vicissitudes in Circe’s realm after his escape from Florence…
1572 words
Citation: Palanti, Alessia. "L'asino d'oro". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 September 2018 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]