On the World Soul] was Schelling’s second major publication on the philosophy of nature, appearing one year after his first, the
Ideas for a Philosophy of Natureof 1797. It begins with a deceptively simple-sounding observation. On the one hand, the world of nature as it is described by science appears to be nothing more than a highly complex mechanism; yet this is simply not true to our lived experience of nature, especially where living and organic phenomena are concerned. As indicated by the title, Schelling seeks the underlying unity of all natural phenomena:
As soon as our observation has elevated itself to the idea of nature as a whole, the contradiction between mechanism and organism disappears, which has held up the progress of natural science long enough
1449 words
Citation: Snow, Dale E.. "Von der Weltseele, einer Hypothese der höheren Physik zur Erklärung des allgemeinen Organismus". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 18 June 2012 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=34644, accessed 31 March 2025.]