The Strength of the Weak] ranks among the most interesting works of the older Anna Seghers. In 1947, the famous author had returned from her Mexican exile to East Berlin, with vigor and enthusiasm, to help build an anti-fascist, democratic, and socialist Germany. While writing this cycle, she experienced a crisis in her perceived mission. Originally intended for the ensemble were three additional narratives, held back by her, and only recently issued in the
Anna Seghers Werkausgabe, II/5(2007). Most notable among these is “Der gerechte Richter” [“The Righteous Judge”]. The author kept the manuscript in a file marked: “Important! Re-work!” First released by the Anna-Seghers-Archive in 1990, it depicts official coercion in a post-war socialist country.…
1599 words
Citation: Brandes, Ute. "Die Kraft der Schwachen". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 August 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=33498, accessed 31 March 2025.]