is Italian woman writer Neera’s eighth novel, published in 1886, and the one that brought her widespread and unanimous critical appraisal in her day, from eminent Italian literary critics such as Luigi Capuana and Benedetto Croce to feminists such as Ersilia Majno and Sibilla Aleramo. Almost a century after its original publication, literary critic Luigi Baldacci’s 1976 reprint of
Teresapresents the novel to the modern public as “document[o] essenzial[e] dello spirito femminista” [essential document of the feminist spirit] (vii) and defines it “uno dei più bei romanzi italiani dell’ultimo ventennio del secolo passato” [one of the most beautiful Italian novels of the last twenty years of the past century] (v). Newfound interest in
Teresaand Neera is documented by…
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Citation: Ramsey-Portolano, Catherine. "Teresa". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 February 2019 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]