Franz Kafka, Der Verschollene / Amerika [Amerika: The Man Who Disappeared]

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Der Verschollene

(published in English as

Amerika: The Man Who Disappeared

) is a novel fragment published posthumously in 1927 by the author's friend and publisher, Max Brod, under the title


. The first chapter of the novel was printed separately in 1913 as a short story by the Kurt Wolff Verlag under the title

Der Heizer: Ein Fragment

. Kafka expressed characteristic dissatisfaction about the novel to Felice Bauer in a letter dated 10 March 1913, asserting that he had written “550 useless pages” (Kafka 1999: 129). Only the first chapter (“Der Heizer”), he maintained, had “inner truth” (Kafka 1999: 128). Kafka saw a deep affinity between the short stories

Der Heizer


Das Urteil

, and

Die Verwandlung

. He told his publisher Wolff that they should be anthologized in a book…

1951 words

Citation: Reid, Christopher. "Der Verschollene / Amerika". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 April 2009 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

24879 Der Verschollene / Amerika 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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