Aleksandr Pushkin, Istoriia Pugacheva [The History of Pugachev]

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The study of history was of especial importance to Pushkin. From the mid 1820s he collected material about Peter the Great and his times, and during his last years he was working on a monograph about him that he hoped would be his chef-d'oeuvre; it is tragic that Pushkin died without finishing it and that much of the manuscript was lost. Peter the Great was also a central figure in Pushkin's unfinished novel,

Arap Petra Velikogo


The Blackamoor of Peter the Great

), and the inspiration behind the narrative poems,



Mednyi vsadnik


The Bronze Horseman

). It is interesting that, when making a copy for himself of one of Peter the Great's letters, Pushkin imitated his handwriting – as if hoping this would help him enter into Peter's heart and mind.

Another of Pushkin's central

1997 words

Citation: Chandler, Robert. "Istoriia Pugacheva". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 March 2008 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

23529 Istoriia Pugacheva 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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