The Kingdom Come], Stefan George's last volume of poetry, was first published in 1928 as volume IX of George's
Collected Works. One poem, “Der Krieg” [“The War”], had been circulated in pamphlet form from 1917; three poems under the heading “Gesänge” [Cantos] from 1921; various poems had also appeared in four successive issues of the journal
Blätter für die Kunst[Journal for Art] which George supervised. George's “Circle”, the group of friends gathered around him, was introduced to the book at a reading when the first copies arrived from the press. A number of friends testify to the awe with which the volume was received. The volume is fundamentally informed by the re-discovery of the late works of Friedrich Hölderlin, whose position as an ancestor of…
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Citation: Fricker, Christophe. "Das neue Reich". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 August 2008 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=21897, accessed 31 March 2025.]