Nelly Sachs, Flucht und Verwandlung [Flight and Metamorphosis]

Jennifer Hoyer (University of Arkansas)
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Flucht und Verwandlung


Flight and Metamorphosis

] by Nelly Sachs, published in 1959 by the Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, is the final complete volume of poems published before, and therefore included in, the first Sachs anthology

Fahrt ins Staublose: Die Gedichte der Nelly Sachs


Journey into Dustlessness

, Suhrkamp 1961]. Unlike Sachs’ previous volumes

In den Wohnungen des Todes



(1949), and

Und niemand weiss weiter

(1957), all collections of cycles revolving around a central dialectical concept (life/death; remembering/forgetting; living on/downfall),

Flucht und Verwandlung

is itself one long cycle on the dialectic “Flucht und Verwandlung”, that is of flight and metamorphosis. Sachs herself referred to the cycle as “35 hymnische Gesänge” [“35 hymn-like…

1139 words

Citation: Hoyer, Jennifer. "Flucht und Verwandlung". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 June 2009 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

20747 Flucht und Verwandlung 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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