Remarque's novel
Drei Kameraden[
Three Comrades] appeared first in a Danish translation under the title
Kammerater(Kopenhagen: Gyldendal) in December 1936. Remarque had begun writing the novel in 1932, but it underwent a number of revisions before it was published. After having been serialized in
Good Housekeeping(19 January – 30 May 1937), the first American edition appeared on 26 April 1937. The first German edition did not come out until 1938, published by Querido in Amsterdam, the publishing house of many exile writers.
Drei Kameraden is in many respects a continuation of Im Westen nichts Neues [All Quiet on the Western Front, 1929] and Der Weg zurück [The Road Back, 1931]. As such it marks the end of Remarque's concern with the World War I soldiers' reentry into postwar society.
1365 words
Citation: Wagener, Hans. "Kammerater". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 October 2008 [, accessed 28 March 2025.]