Eli: A Mystery Play of the Suffering of Israel] is the first theater piece written by Sachs after her escape from Germany, and is the most widely-known theater piece she composed.
Elihas been reprinted in several editions, including the collection of Sachs’ “szenische Dichtungen” (scenic compositions)
Zeichen im Sand[
Signs in the Sand, 1962], which includes Sachs’ own short essays on some of the plays, and a special edition of the play with her first two volumes of postwar poetry (1996). It is considered significant as one of the first dramas to have what Sachs refers to as the “martyrdom” of European Jews in the twentieth century as its subject matter.
Elihas been considered more problematic than Sachs’ poetry because it…
1438 words
Citation: Hoyer, Jennifer. "Eli: Ein Mysterienenspiel vom Leiden Israels". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 June 2006 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=16913, accessed 31 March 2025.]