. By Frank Forester. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1849.
The British edition, as part of Frank Forester And His Friends, published in London by Richard Bentley in 1849, was actually the first edition of this novel to appear, preceding the Carey and Hart edition, which was the first American and first separate edition, by about a month. Numerous American editions are listed by Van Winkle up until the publication of his bibliography of Herbert in 1936; subsequent American editions have continued to appear from time to time through the 1990s. The first four chapters of the novel were serialized in Graham's American Monthly Magazine in 1845 and 1846.
The British edition, as part of
Frank Forester And His294 words
Citation: Meats, Stephen E.. "The Deerstalkers Or, Circumstantial Evidence: A Tale Of The South-Western Counties". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 22 September 2004 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=16256, accessed 31 March 2025.]