Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi [The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi]

Roger A. Crockett (Washington and Lee University)
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Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi


The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi

], Dürrenmatt’s second comedy after

Romulus der Grosse


Romulus the Great

], opened in Munich under Hans Schweikart’s direction on 26 March 1952. No Swiss theatre was willing to touch the play, which was considered scandalous and anti-religious. While the original version perhaps deserved this criticism, Dürrenmatt toned down the religious satire considerably in the 1957 revision. The targets of the author’s wit and criticism are ideologies and the fanatical and dangerous ideologues who pursue them. Florestan Mississippi is one such, a public prosecutor whose single mission is to reinstitute Mosaic Law. A second is Frédéric René Saint-Claude, a Communist agitator determined to bring about world revolution. Opposing…

1401 words

Citation: Crockett, Roger A.. "Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 11 January 2005 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

15452 Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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