Willehalmshow the highly innovative skill of Wolfram von Eschenbach, and his
Titurel,too, is a unique work which, like
Willehalm, defies generic description. The complex strophic form, four long lines of differing metrical patterns rhyming in pairs but with occasional additional internal rhyming and frequent enjambement, recalls the
Nibelungenliedand some of the more metrically complex lyric poetry of the day, but it is uniquely intricate and, sustained over the 175 strophes which constitute the two fragments, it is a
tour de forceof poetic mastery. It is capable of conveying moments of high drama and tender lyricism, and both qualities are present to superb effect in this fragile, yet powerful work, the least well known of Wolfram's compositions, but a significant…
1189 words
Citation: Gibbs, Marion E.. "Titurel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 13 January 2004 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]