Andrei Platonov, Vozvrashchenie [The Return]

Philip Ross Bullock (University of Oxford)
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Although Andrei Platonov is best known for his longer works of the late 1920s and early 1930s such as





The Foundation Pit

], the story was the genre in which he worked most consistently throughout his career. If Platonov’s novels remained unknown to Russian readers until


, the same cannot be said of his stories, many of which were published in his lifetime and formed the basis of his reputation for many decades. For all their brevity, his stories are crucial both to the Russian short story tradition as a whole and to an understanding of Platonov as a writer in particular. Many of his most important works have been translated by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler and Angela Livingstone in

The Return and Other Stories

(London, Harvill, 1999).

980 words

Citation: Bullock, Philip Ross. "Vozvrashchenie". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 16 November 2005 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

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