Over the centuries, Plato’s Parmenides has been an enigma for scholars. Scores of interpretations have been published by commentators who cannot seem to come to agreement about the meaning of this dialogue. Why does Parmenides remain fascinating and controversial?
Over the centuries, Plato’s
Parmenideshas been an enigma for scholars. Scores of interpretations have been published by commentators who cannot seem to come to agreement about the meaning of this dialogue. Why does
Parmenidesremain fascinating and controversial?
The fascination is due, in part, to the fact that this dialogue represents the initiation into philosophy of a very young Socrates by the legendary Parmenides of Elea. In addition, Parmenides is one of Plato’s most carefully-crafted works, and yet it
3100 words
Citation: Wood, Kelsey. "Parmenides". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 October 2006 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]