Thomas Mann, Der kleine Herr Friedemann [Little Herr Friedemann]

David Gallagher (Independent Scholar - Europe)
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Thomas Mann’s narrative “Der kleine Herr Friedemann” [“Little Herr Friedemann”], written in 1896, appeared in the important literary periodical

Neue Deutsche Rundschau

in 1897 and was published by Samuel Fischer in 1898 in Mann’s first anthology of short stories collectively entitled

Der kleine Herr Friedemann

. In a letter to Otto Grautoff of 21 July 1897 the author declared that whilst he had formerly used his diaries as a form of artistic relief, he had now discovered “novelistic discrete forms and masks” [“novellistische, öffentlichkeitsfähige Formen und Masken”] as a means of relaying his inner emotions — a process that had started with “Der kleine Herr Friedemann”. In his later essay “On Myself” (1940), Mann identified in the narrative a motif that was…

1306 words

Citation: Gallagher, David. "Der kleine Herr Friedemann". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 06 October 2007 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

11462 Der kleine Herr Friedemann 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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