Published in 1859,
Dvorianskoe gnezdo[
Home of the Gentry, in the Penguin edition, being just one of a number of titles this novel has received in translation] is one of Turgenev’s earlier novels, written just after
Rudinand before
On the Eve]. Turgenev wrote
Home of the Gentryin the summer of 1858 at his childhood home, Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, in the province of Orel, Russia. By 1858, Turgenev had been meditating on his ideas for the novel for several years. He started work on it while in France visiting his long-term lover, the married Pauline Viardot, in 1856, but abandoned progress. Inspiration for the novel continued to form while Turgenev travelled in Europe, tormented by rejection at the hands of Viardot. Upon returning to Russia after a two-year hiatus in 1858, Turgenev…
2277 words
Citation: Malone, Nora. "Dvorianskoe gnezdo". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 January 2007 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]