While an important figure in Icelandic history and literature, Sæmundur
fróði[the learned] Sigfússon (1056-1133) also became the subject of a robust folklore tradition in Iceland by the start of the eighteenth century. Sæmundur
fróðihad become by then the prototypical Icelandic
galdramaður, or magician, who attained wisdom and magical prowess by studying at the Black School and then defeating the devil in a test of wits. Thus equipped with wisdom, magical prowess, and power over the devil himself, the Sæmundur of these folk tales goes about solving problems, overcoming evil creatures, thwarting the devil’s plans, and occasionally taking on pupils. The earliest of these stories were compiled by the renowned Icelandic scholar and manuscript collector Árni Magnússon…
1996 words
Citation: Bryan, Eric. "Sæmundur fróði (folklore)". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 03 October 2023 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=19673, accessed 31 March 2025.]