When one thinks of Neapolitan theater in the twentieth century, the first name that most likely comes to mind is that of the prolific playwright, actor, and director Eduardo De Filippo. There are others, however, who merit our attention. The first is Giuseppe Patroni Griffi (Naples, 27 February 1921 - Rome, 15 December 2005), a crucial figure in the evolution of Neapolitan theatre. Indeed, his works (especially
In memoria di una signora amica[In Memory of a Lady Friend, 1963],
Persone naturali e strafottenti[Natural and Arrogant People 1974],
Cammurriata. Canti di malavita[Camorra Play. Tales of Life of Crime, 1983], and
Unatragedia reale[A Royal Tragedy, 1992]), could be said to represent the birth of modern Neapolitan theatre. The Neapolitan playwrights of the 1980s, in particular,…
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Citation: d'Amora, Mariano. "Modern Neapolitan Theater". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 May 2019 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=19537, accessed 31 March 2025.]