My questioners and critics have fastened on me some labels. Regardless of whether they are meant in criticism or in praise, I should like to contribute to their being torn off.
Martin Buber, Reply to My Critics (1964)
Martin Buber,
Reply to My Critics(1964)
Often referred to as a “religious existentialist”, sometimes as a “romantic traditionalist” and a “mystical pacifist”, the Austrian-Jewish philosopher, theologian, essayist, translator and storyteller Martin Buber strove his entire life to defy categorization. In so doing, he constructed himself as a modernist thinker par excellence. His philosophy, though lacking the systematic rigor and historical reflection of the Kantian and Hegelian/Marxist traditions, nevertheless identified the singular longing in modern life for
2086 words
Citation: Starkman, Ruth. "Martin Buber". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 January 2004 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]