The works of Elisabeth Reichart are marked by the urgency of their attempt to delve beyond the surface and reveal a hidden and unwelcome condition or reality. In an interview from 1997, the author responds to a question about what unites her diverse literary
oeuvrewith the words: “All of my writing attempts to confront taboos or silence. The constant in my work is a concern with people who, as Austrians, know German or Austrian, but who are nonetheless without a language for the critical issues in their lives.” (Karl Müller, “Gespräch mit Elisabeth Reichart”,
Deutsche Bücher1997.2: 89) Since her literary debut in 1984, Reichart has written six novels, a dramatic monologue, and a collection of short stories in addition to numerous essays, commentaries, and other shorter works.…
1440 words
Citation: DeMeritt, Linda C.. "Elisabeth Reichart". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 September 2007 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]