Vielleicht seh' ich nie wieder einen Menschen wie Dich. Für mich bist Du der Oberpriester von Eleusis gewesen [Perhaps I will never meet another human being like you. To me you have been the high priest of Eleusis] (Novalis, letter to F. Schlegel, spring 1793
Almost five years after his older, equally prominent brother August Wilhelm Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel was born in Hanover to Johanna Christiane and Johann Adolf Schlegel on 10 March 1772. But unlike his brother's, his biography was marred by scandals and a controversial reputation until his significance as a paradigmatic figure of the Romantic movement in Germany was at last acknowledged in the 1930s (Josef Körner, 1935). Best known for his theory of Early Romantic poetry published in his Athenaeum-fragments
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Citation: Hoffmeister, Gerhart. "Friedrich von Schlegel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 26 August 2008 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]