Eli Mandel was one of Canada’s most prolific and influential modernist and contemporary poets. A winner of the Governor General’s Award for the monograph
An Idiot Joy(1967), Mandel published nine other poetry collections during his lifetime and was also an important anthologist, critic, and professor of literature. Known mainly for highly allusive, intricate, formally complex poetry, Mandel worked in both short and long forms, the latter culminating in
Out of Place(1977), a book inspired by his rural Saskatchewan birthplace. As a Jewish poet, Mandel was also concerned with matters of Jewish history, heritage, and persecution.
Elias Wolf Mandel was born in Estevan, Saskatchewan in 1922 to parents of Russian-Jewish origin. The area around Estevan had been settled in the 1890s by
1961 words
Citation: Webb, Peter. "Eli Mandel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 11 March 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2906, accessed 31 March 2025.]