Jurij Mixailovič Lotman (1922-1993) is one of the central figures in the field of semiotics and the subfield of
anthroposemiotics. During his lifetime, Lotman published over eight hundred works, including a dozen monographs, in more than fifty international scholarly journals. These works have been translated into nineteen languages and new translations continue to appear in print. Ann Shukman’s analysis and translations of Lotman’s works played an important role in making Lotman’s work accessible to the West, which includes what is perhaps Lotman’s greatest contribution to semiotic theory – his work on the semiosphere. The most recent major translation into English of Lotman’s work is Wilma Clark’s translation of his final monograph,
Culture and Explosion.
Lotman was born
2179 words
Citation: Andrews, Edna. "Juri Mikhailovich Lotman". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 November 2008 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2793, accessed 31 March 2025.]