Giovan Battista Andreini was the oldest of seven children (Lavinia, Caterina, Osanna, Clarinda, Pietro Paolo, and Domenico) born to the celebrated
commedia dell’arteactors Isabella and Francesco Andreini, and the only one who followed in their famous parents’ footsteps. According to Luigi Rasi, he was born in Florence on February 9, 1576 (117-39), although Francesco Bartoli (13-30) claims that the year of his birth was 1578 and Giammaria Mazzuchelli believes it to have been 1579 (708-11). Doubts and conflicts about the date of birth arise from the uncomfortable fact that when Isabella gave birth to her first child, she was very young and not yet married to Francesco.
Giovan Battista completed his university studies in Bologna and it seems that he started his profession of comedian in
1954 words
Citation: Riverso, Nicla. "Giovan Battista Andreini". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 November 2021 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]