Elisa Cappelli can be ranked among the educators who, after Italian unification in 1861, contributed to the development of a common language and culture. At the same time, she was particularly aware of the huge gender gap existing in the Italian society of her day and was persuaded it could only be overcome through a deep change in culture. She supported such change through her own examples of concrete alternatives. During a period in which women were excluded from professions and were only allowed to work in the fields of education and caregiving, Cappelli devoted herself to the first, not only teaching but also translating and writing educational volumes and textbooks addressed to primary school students.
Born in Florence, Elisa was the daughter of Fabio Cappelli, son of Michele, and
1390 words
Citation: Perugi, Rosella. "Elisa Cappelli". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 January 2022 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=14461, accessed 31 March 2025.]