In the opinion of a prominent expert on Bulgarin, he “was so entangled in gossip, intrigue, rumours and accusations that it is doubtful that anyone will ever be able to write a thoroughly accurate biography” of him (Vaslef 1966: 5). What follows below is but a brief summary of the current state of knowledge of the most salient aspects of Bulgarin’s life story.
Faddei Venediktovich Bulgarin was born Jan Tadeusz Krzisztof Bułharyn to a noble Polish family of distant Albanian origin, on 24 June 1789 in Pereszew (now Pyrashevo), forty miles south of Minsk, in what then was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As this is now a territory of Belarus, there have been attempts to call Bulgarin a Belarusian writer (see, for example, Feduta 2003). Yet Bulgarin “clearly did not identify
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Citation: Rogatchevski, Andrei. "Faddei Bulgarin". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 July 2021 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]