Piero Gobetti was an antifascist intellectual, cultural organizer and editor of three political reviews:
Energie nove,
La Rivoluzione liberaleand
Il Baretti, the first founded when he was only eighteen. Gobetti’s antifascism soon caught the attention of the fascist regime. Beginning in February 1923, Mussolini sent several telegrams to the Turin prefect instructing him to order searches of the offices of
La Rivoluzione liberale, seize material and detain Gobetti. In June 1924, in a telegram now part of the public record, Mussolini ordered the prefect to make life difficult for Gobetti, whom he called a stubborn enemy of fascism. On September 5th, 1925, Gobetti was badly beaten up by a group of fascist thugs, and in November 1925 he received a presidential notice that banned him from…
922 words
Citation: Ward, David. "Piero Gobetti". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 July 2018 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=14059, accessed 31 March 2025.]