Federico De Roberto, Italian critic, journalist and writer, is best known for his masterpiece, the historical novel
I Viceré(translated into English as
The Viceroysby Archibald Colquhoun and recently reprinted with an introduction by Mario Moretti). He was born in Naples on January16th, 1861, son of Federico de Roberto senior, an army captain, and Marianna degli Asmundi, descendent of an old aristocratic family from Catania. Following the death of his father in a train accident in 1873, the family moved permanently to Catania where De Roberto lived most of his life with his mother, whose dominating influence, even in the long periods he spent in Milan and Rome, is documented in an intense correspondence (Zappulla Muscarà ). De Roberto never married, but had two important relationships…
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Citation: Pagliaro, Annamaria. "Federico De Roberto". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 September 2016 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13622, accessed 31 March 2025.]