Helene Böhlau was a German author who published about forty novels, novellas, and collections of stories between 1882 and 1939. Böhlau was successful both as a writer of popular stories mostly detailing life in Weimar, and of ambitious literature dealing with women’s emancipation and women’s rights. She wrote the witty
Rathsmädelgeschichten, a collection of cheerful stories about the lives of the young daughters of a Weimar civil servant. These stories cemented her popularity and commercial success as an author and she wrote several sequels over the course of her career. She also wrote socially critical works, most importantly
Der Rangierbahnhof(1896,
The Switchyard),
Das Recht der Mutter(1896,
The Mother’s Right), and
Half Animal), that deal with women’s…
1319 words
Citation: Watzke, Petra . "Helene Böhlau". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 April 2015 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13412, accessed 31 March 2025.]