Io sono una che sperimenta con la vita (I am one who experiments with life) Amelia Rosselli,
La libellula(
The Dragonfly)
Amelia Rosselli, considered one of the major European poets of the last century, is one of the very few women to be accepted into the canon. Although Rosselli was well known in her lifetime, such recognition came only posthumously. The first collection of essays dedicated to her was published by the literary journal Galleria in 1997, a year after her death. Since then, critical writings on Rosselli have thrived on both sides of the Atlantic, including several translations of her works in English. In 2012, Mondadori published the annotated scholarly edition of Rosselli’s poetry in its prestigious series I Meridiani. “Poet of exploration”, as she described
3111 words
Citation: Antognini, Roberta. "Amelia Rosselli". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 December 2018 [, accessed 31 March 2025.]