At the age of 31, and the author of merely two novels so far, Jonathan Safran Foer has already been hailed as one of the most significant – and controversial – new voices in contemporary American fiction. Critics have both extolled and lambasted his novels for their formally innovative and seemingly irreverent approach to subject matters requiring great


– most conspicuously the historical traumas of the Holocaust and 9/11. An obvious aficionado of postmodernist narrative techniques (or gimmickry, for some), Foer has published two international bestsellers that were translated into more than 30 languages (

Everything is Illuminated


Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

); some short stories published in

The Paris Review



, and

The New Yorker;

two edited volumes of…

2433 words

Citation: Codde , Philippe. "Jonathan Safran Foer". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 02 December 2008; last revised 21 December 2010. [, accessed 31 March 2025.]

12249 Jonathan Safran Foer 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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